Book Tour # 37: Where life is ruined This time we have a special book tour. Thanks to Rocío, we have this book, an author Mexican available to tour, check the synopsis and feel free to join.
Where life is ruined
José Raúl Robles
A lonely life, full of shortcomings and tragedies, is the cornerstone of the author's inspiration Moses Banuelos, who achieves his goal at an early age: to become a recognized writer. First
the countryside to the city, after the rags to riches, are the changes that await you in the future by the dignified, the debate between love and bitterness, in a life that brings him closer to death every day, marked by contempt for his father and the mother's deception, a vicious circle, a self-destructive tradition.
Moses Banuelos writer, finds his refuge in love, an escape from reality that much to you, and gives herself to him fully, and she corresponds, however the death and betrayal, items in everyday life are coming to determine its existence and will mark inevitably and incorrigible.
characters play with the reader's mind, architects and masters of deception, life, death and tragedy. Love, as described by the author, is a two-edged weapon, a dangerous feeling, an affair that threatens life itself, a feat that no one should die without first undertaking. Love and hate
merge into a single feeling, and take the writer Moses Banuelos situations and places he never imagined be making decisions that should never have taken, of course, not that I had another path to choose.
complimentary copy of the author, by Rocío. English. Story Time 15 Days. Rocío Read Review
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