Thursday, February 26, 2009

How Long Do U Need To Wax Before Going On Holiday

Seria Bueno Federal

BIEL Light + Building

There are many reasons to believe that participate in BIEL Light + Building 2009 will be one of the decisions of strategic marketing and sales of the year: • Best Call

As Visitor in each issue will be visited by the most prestigious and relevant professional segment Argentine and international power. To this end, developed a careful plan that covers the call through our subsidiaries that are around the world and through the chambers and local and international media representative of the sector. Engineers attending, Technical Managers, Heads, architects, decorators, installers, designers and those who are related to the electrical industry.
also be attended by holders of generators, transporters and distributors of energy, electric cooperatives, installers, builders and distributors of electrical equipment. In 2007 attracted 40,000 professionals and 2009 is expected the presence of 42,000 unique visitors. Thus, the event will become more visits of professionals with decision-making on purchases. A place only five days, 42,000 professional business contacts. • projection
International Foundation in conjunction with Export.Ar be made Round 2 International Buyers sector. In the 2007 enrolled 61 Argentine companies related to the business and 12 foreign firms importing from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru and Venezuela. During the 5 days that covered the event, will take a total of 250 meetings

• Increased representation at
manufacturers will feature more than 300 companies in Argentina and more than 80 foreign firms from countries such as Germany, Brazil, Chile , China, Spain, Italy, Mexico and Uruguay, among others.

• Prestigious Technical Congress
be held on 11 th International Technical Conference for Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Lighting which will be attended by the most distinguished practitioners in the business and academic sector.
• Full Academic Activities Program for the sector.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Would Cause Spots On The Liver

send your Professional Electrical Installation Precautions when

The facility must have at least among other security measures:

• A circuit breaker for protection of people against direct contact.

• A switch that protects cables and devices against overheating and / or short circuit.

· Driver isolated ground bicolor (green - yellow) throughout the facility, connected to a Javelin good grounding.

independent internal lines: Light

1 To 1 For outlets. (TUG)
1 For special applications (eg air conditioning. Pumps etc) (TEU)

· Dimension appropriate and adequate to the conditions of use.

• All outlets with ground allowing you to connect all devices.

• In the bathroom, must respect the minimum distance between outlets, switches, appliances and bath.

· Materials certificates seqún the For IRAM.

Trust is extremely important to the implementation, amendment or extension of electrical installations a construction electrician and Head, respecting the "Regulations for the Execution of Electrical Installations in Buildings of the SAA

Always remember, safety, LO CHEAP AND QUICK "SALE CARO.

At stake is not his money but his life "The Electricity Mata

Monday, February 23, 2009

White Menstruation For 3 Days

How to save electricity Today

Turn on the light, turn on the stereo or load the washing machine and program are actions almost" natural "everyday . The actual size of the electricity consumption first appears when ends meet to pay the bill arrives. But with little tricks and easy tips you can save energy and spend up to 20 percent less per quarter.

If we learn to be good consumers, we can start saving energy when you decide to buy an appliance. How? , Well it is not difficult:

1. Checking in the device's instruction manual technical features, including power in watts or kilowatts: the more they have, more spending.

2. If the devices have several years of use should be controlled, because if malfunctioning energy losses occur to be registered by the meter.

3. Depends on the user to control, to the borrower, the light meter of any loss of energy by at least 1 time a year or when we noticed an abnormality in the amount of spent Kw.

4. Another way to control the meter is close the cock of the house and take note of the number of the meter. After an hour or two shows again the numerator. If increased, there is a loss that should be reported to the company first and then to ENRE, if the problem persists.

5. Those who know the subject they warn, moreover, that there is a use "hidden" Contrary to what many users believe, the TV, audio equipment or radio alarm clock, also waste energy when turned off. This is the stand-by mode, the devices have a small red or green light on and other functions remain active, as their watches. So it is advisable to unplug them at night or when not in immediate use.

6. Much of the electricity they consume at home or business is intended to lighting it, for this reason we advise to maximize sunlight.

7. Try not to leave lights on in empty rooms, using fluorescent or low-power but cost a few bucks to buy more but consume up 5 times less than common. An example: A 40-watt fluorescent lamp provides more light than a common 100-watt lamp.

8. It is very important that the tubes or lamps or any type of lighting are cleaned regularly, as the dust that accumulates on them takes away a lot of light or power.

9. With regard to appliances is very important for example in the case of refrigerators locate in a low temperature and a minimum spacing of 15 cm with respect to the back wall. Also, try to open it as quickly as possible, make sure it is always fully closed, replace the gaskets if they are broken and avoid too much ice to accumulate on the walls of frozen-thawed at least every 2 or 3 months - (if more than 2 mm consume 10% more electricity).

The ideal temperature for storing food is between 3 and 5 degrees Celsius. Less than that, consumption increases unnecessarily.

10. It is very important that before introducing a product in the refrigerator as cool was the same for the engine to operate required

11. If the house is an electric water heater must be taken into account that the account will rise significantly. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the capacity in terms of the family (50 liters per person) and adjust the temperature to 55 degrees.

12. Do not forget that air conditioners are energy intensive so we suggest using them in an organized way. Fans not spend as much energy as air conditioners provided they are used in medium-low speed.

13. What a lot of energy plates electric?

Yes, try ironing all the clothes together and not in stages.


1. A full load washing in the washing machine spends as much as two half-load wash? No.
should start once the washer and fill to the maximum. Two washes, even if load-average consume twice.

2. Why heating small amounts of food, it is more the microwave or electric stove?
The microwave. The Stove consume 4 times more energy.

3. A large lamp lamps consume less than many girls?
A 100-watt consumed as well as four of 25 watts, but produces twice the light.

4. When the refrigerator is spending more than usual?
If you hear the motor running continuously, the machine is damaged and is sure to consume more light. Will also be spending more if the seal is broken: hot air enters the engine works.

5. How do you know if the door fridge shuts right?
paper is placed between the door and cabinet. With the door closed you have to pull the paper up. If moving is because the seal is worn. Must be changed.

6. What refrigerator spends more?
The one with more stars. Without freezer consumes 0.58 kwh per day. Freezer, 0.86 kwh

7. What to do for the dryer consumes less energy? Take away the clothes
much water as possible before using

8. What artifacts spend more?
air conditioning, stove and water heater with quartz and ALL YOU HAVE SPENT A LOT OF ENERGY RESISTANCE eg electric Parrillita ..

9. ¿Qué tipo de ventilador consume menos luz?
El de techo. Gasta una décima parte de la electricidad que consume un acondicionador de aire.

10. ¿El televisor gasta energía cuando está apagado?
Si, por eso conviene desenchufarlo por las noches. Por que sigue en stand-by.

Otros Tips:

* Los Bajo Consumo y Tubos Fluorescentes, ahorran luz cuando mas tiempo permanecen encendidos, y disminuyen su vida util cuando mas los encendemos. Por eso no lo utilize en ambientes donde usted ingresa y vuelve a salir al poco Rato.

"Una regla podria ser: si una lampara tiene mas de 5 Encendidos Diarios, "No debe ser Bajo consumo o Fluorescente"

Take into account that in a commercial salon, if you have say 20 teams Fluorescent, regard shall be 20 ballasts or ballasts HIGH TEMPERATURE they generate and therefore increased consumption by the work of air conditioning or fans. In these cases it is advisable to use electronic ballasts, which also increase the lifespan of the tubes, spend 30 percent less energy and there are also some so-called Dual Power, even more efficient.

* Do not forget to note that the ballasts are suitable for our room temperature to subtract this Tw - At the result will give the operating temperature of the Same.

* Remember that the lamps are changed NOT TO BURN but to reduce their light output.
Sino has
*, INSTALL A CIRCUIT BREAKER Why? the same will be activated in case of leakage currents, preventing leakage.

* completely avoids the use of Triples, Adapters & Extenders Economic.
They are a source of temperature by heating in the contacts, and this heat is produced with Energia, also check that the jack connected wherever you have enough wiring to handle the electrical load.

* Avoid Fire

Sectioning the installation in 2 or 3 circuits, each with its respective Thermal dimensioned according to the diameter of the cable and not consumption, because the latter depends on cable.

advertising go from here Councils Remember: When hiring an Electrical Service, a Department of Medicine, Security and SAVE can be fatal. Cheap labor will usually practiced by poorly trained professionals.

Your MASON "Not Electrician" as its not your Doctor Butcher.

When Building seek advice from professionals and avoid headaches

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What Does It Mean When Your Arch Falls On Foot?

Electrically Get Insurance Products and Reliable

Friday, February 20, 2009

Jaw Pain When Opening Mouth

With the idea of \u200b\u200bboosting consumption, this summer the government launched various schemes of exchange of goods. The project allows citizens to renew their artifacts, and is also beneficial in terms of saving energy is concerned, since new models of refrigerators and air conditioners consume much less than older ones.
However, it is important to note that the Argentines must also become aware of how indispensable it is the upgrade of electrical installations. Serious Installers
As it is our duty to remind users that the facilities with 15 or 20 years old, were designed and constructed in completely different times, and are not prepared to feed the large number of appliances and devices have a typical family at home today.
electrical installation date and safe, to comply with the Regulation of Argentina Electrotechnical Association force, is indispensable for the safety of our family, homes and property.
Call your electrician friend and urge them whatever check your set. Jorge Osuna